Ranchi: Chief Minister Hemant Soren has said that when one is determined and works honestly towards his goal, positive outcomes are bound to follow. He was speaking at the divisional level event of the Jharkhand Chief Minister Maaiyan Samman Yojana, where women turned up in large numbers braving the rain. The event held in Ranchi saw an unprecedented turnout from all five districts of the South Chotanagpur division.
The Chief Minister said that the blessing and respect from participants empower the government to continue working towards holistic development. Soren revealed that the Maaiyan Samman Yojana, initially targeting women aged 21 to 50, will soon be extended to include women aged 18 and above.
Chief Minister Soren highlighted the crucial role of women during the COVID-19 pandemic. He recalled that soon after the formation of the government in 2019, the country was gripped by the global pandemic. He recalled how the pandemic led to lockdowns, halting markets, jobs, and resulting in a severe economic downturn. Despite these challenges, the government managed to bring back migrant workers through various means, and state women supported the government by providing free meals to workers and villagers during the crisis, he said.
The Chief Minister praised the state’s response during the pandemic, noting that unlike previous administration when deaths due to hunger were reported even without a disaster, no such deaths occurred in Jharkhand under the current government.
Soren also spoke about the state government’s commitment to the future of girls. The Savitribai Phule Prosperity Scheme has provided financial assistance to nearly 10 lakh schoolgirls. He urged the public not to worry about their children’s education, citing the Guruji Student Credit Card Scheme, which provides loans of up to ?15 lakh for higher education without the need for guarantees.
Despite the state’s wealth in minerals like coal, iron, and mica, Soren revealed that there is a significant debt of ?1.36 lakh crore from mining activities owed to the central government. The Supreme Court’s recent order allowing the state to recover this amount has accelerated the government’s efforts.
The Chief Minister highlighted the significant number of government appointments made over the past four years, with around 45,000 to 50,000 positions filled and another 45,000 in progress. Additionally, 1.5 to 2 lakh people have been employed in the private sector. He committed to continuing this trend as long as his government remains in office.
At the event, Chief Minister Soren distributed a total of ?70.49 crore in honorarium across the South Chotanagpur division, including amounts for Ranchi, Khunti, Gumla, Lohardaga, and Simdega districts. This step is seen as a major advancement in women’s empowerment.