Ranchi (By our correspondent): Goa Governor Mridula Sinha on Saturday inaugurated the Jharkhand Diwas function during the ongoing International Film Festival of India ongoing in Goa. She welcomed participants of all the nations and the state
of Jharkhand which has been selected as a focus state for the event. She said that Jharkhand was a land full of possibilities in
film production.
She said that this year IITF was promoting Jharkhand as a focus state so that people can be known about the culture and traditions of the state. She said that through the function the people are being informed about the film policy of the state which
would draw the filmmakers and people involved with filmmaking to Jharkhand.
She said that this will also encourage jobs among the people and the tourist spots of the state will be promoted. In the IITF 212 films from 68 nations are being shown which also included 7 films that have been made in Jharkhand including MSD THE Untold Story Death in the Gunj Ranchi Diaries and others.