Latehar: Jharkhand Chief Minister Hemant Soren said on Wednesday, the entire country is watching the "Aapki Yojana-Aapki Sarkar-Aapke Dwar" campaign run by the Jharkhand government. Other states of the country are following this campaign and reaching the doorsteps of the people. I had said earlier that when a tribal-indigenous government is formed here, this government will be run with the people of the villages. This is the reason why today village officials are organizing camps and listening to the problems of the people and also solving them.Chief Minister Hemant Soren said these things in the program "Aapki Yojana-Aapki Sarkar-Aapke Dwar" organized in Kundri village of Latehar block of Latehar district.
The Chief Minister said that now every year your problems will be solved by organizing camps at your doorstep. The Chief Minister said that through the organized camp, the problems and troubles of the people come directly to me. The government has worked to make every plan so that the state can be strengthened and the people living in the villages here can be empowered. Our government is giving the benefits of the scheme to every section of the people, there is no discrimination against anyone. An attempt is being made to draw a long line.
The Chief Minister said that there are irregularities regarding land in the entire state. This will be resolved in the coming days. Your government has returned the land of the people of Netarhat who have been struggling for years.
Notification of Netarhat Field Firing Range cancelled. The land of many farmers in the state has been returned. It is necessary to correct land errors. Have faith that this will be resolved in the coming time.
The Chief Minister said that the mining companies working in Latehar will train the local youth to operate heavy vehicles and machines used in mining work. For this, the district administration has been instructed to start training centers by mining companies. So that the local youth here can get employment. The state government has also made a law related to 75 percent reservation for the employment of local people in the industries working in the state.
The Chief Minister said that the government is helping for self-employment. Under the Chief Minister Employment Generation Scheme, loans are being provided for various types of small businesses. Through this, youth can do business of their choice. Thousands of youth have taken advantage of this scheme and have moved towards self-employment.
The Chief Minister said that efforts are being made to provide better education to the children of the state. Girls are being linked to Savitribai Phule Kishori Samriddhi Yojana. In order for children to become doctors, engineers and officers, they will be given the benefit of Guruji Student Credit Card Scheme for various courses ranging from preparation for competitive exams.
Under this, they will be given education loan up to Rs 15 lakh. For this they will not have to give any guarantee. The government will become the guarantor for this. 50 children of Jharkhand are pursuing higher education abroad. For this the government is giving them 100% scholarship.