<!-- wp:paragraph -->Dhanbad: About 15 thousand people became angry over the restoration of power cut from feeder number 14 of BCCL Govindpur area.
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On Saturday afternoon, hundreds of colony residents along with 10 to 12 villages surrounded the Madhuban police station to restore electricity.
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Everyone started demanding restoration of electricity and arrest of the youth who cut off electricity of others.
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About an hour later, a gang of youths wearing masks attacked the Madhuban police station after cutting electricity.
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They started moving towards the police station, firing several rounds and bombing.
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Due to this the policemen themselves started running here and there to save their lives.
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There was also a scuffle with the policemen.
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Many people including a policeman were injured in stone pelting.
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Firing was done in front of Mahuda Circle Inspector, but the police remained a mute spectator.
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The incident created chaos here.
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People somehow saved their lives by running away.
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It was a coincidence that the people protesting were inside the police station.
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Otherwise a big accident could have happened.
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On receiving the information, Dhanbad Rural SP reached the spot and took information about the matter.
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People told that the electricity of number 14 feeder was cut off by some anti-social elements of Kharkhari colony.
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A population of 15 thousand is affected by this and the company's production is stopped.
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It is not appropriate to cut off electricity and water in public interest in this scorching heat.
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At present the atmosphere here remains tense.
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People have given a written complaint to the police.
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Due to the storm on Thursday night, there was no electricity in the BCCL Govindpur area.
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In this area, electricity comes from Madhuban DG through feeder numbers 14 and 16.
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Electricity was restored to number 14 on Friday evening, but electricity to number 16 could not be restored due to it being damaged in Madhuban.
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Due to this, youth from Kharkhari colony and other places cut off electricity number 14 in Kharkhari sub station.
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These people said that until number 16 electricity does not come.
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Till then power to number 14 will also remain cut.
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On getting information about this, some youths from several villages reached Kharkhari late on Friday night and started abusing and even fighting for the restoration of the cut electricity.
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