Ranchi: Jharkhand Chief Minister Raghubar Das has attacked the mahagathbandhan which is locked in seat sharing talks in the national capital and said that BJP was least bothered whether they form the alliance or not. He said that these people had also from the alliance in 2014 and the result was before everyone.
Mr Das said that he believed on the people and not on the gathering of the wrong kind of politicians at a place. Over former Chief Minister Arjun Munda being not allowed to hold a political rally in West Bengal he said that Bengal Chief Minister was indulging in undemocratic norms and the entire country was condemning her acts. He said that under the constitution of India everybody has freedom of speech travel and movement but it appears that the Chief Minister of Bengal has no respect for the constitution and hoped that God should allow common sense to prevail in her.
Mr Das send that she too was elected as a chief minister under the democratic norms of the country and people would give a befitting reply to her in the upcoming Lok Sabha polls.