Ranchi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi recalled the valour of great martyrs Sidho Kanhu, Chand Bhairav and Phulo Jhano and hero of Jharkhand Ulgulan Bhagwan Birsa Munda during his Mann Ki Baat program.
The Prime Minister said in the nation’s independence struggle the bravehearts of Jharkhand have made an important contribution.
Chief Minister Raghubar Das after listening to the Mann Ki Baat program said that the war against the British had commenced from the land of Jharkhand in which these brave men and women sacrificed their lives and whom he pays his respects.
Mr Das said that Prime Minister Narendra Modi has laid stress on water conservation and management which is the need of the hour and for this awareness is important. He said that from July 7 campaign in this regard will be conducted.
He said that all cabinet ministers, MPs, MLAs, Chief Secretary, Secretary will be doing Shram Daan for water conservation and management and even the people of the state will have to ensure their cooperation in this. He said that the letter written to all the Mukhiyas of the state has started showing its results and said that in Hazaribagh and other districts work for water conservation has commenced which was a good indication.
He said that in the last 4.5 years the state government has undertaken to dig up of Ponds and their renovation which was also utilized by the farmers who due to their efforts helped the agriculture growth to register a growth of 14 percent.