Ramgarh/Ranchi: Jharkhand Chief Minister Raghubar Das said that the state government was committed to provide quality power for 24 hours in all the homes of the state from the next year and said that without power development cannot be imagined and pointed that had attention accorded to development of infrastructure and power transmission system the state would not have faced power problems. Addressing a function organized here to declare Ramgarh as 100 percent electrified district he said that against the requirement of 118 grid stations only 38 grid stations are functioning and work was on to build another 80 of them. He said that 12 grids are nearing completion and said that the state government was working to ensure that the power connection reaches in every home by the end of 2018. He said that making a new Jharkhand by 2022 was a target of all and said that obstacles in the path of progress will not be tolerated at any cost.
He said that the people and the state government will work together to make a strong Jharkhand as the state government has prepared a roadmap of growth for every area and has decided to ensure that all works are completed on time however for that participation of people was a must. Mr Das said that after 67 years of Independence power could only reach in 38 lakh homes and in the last three and half years his government has provided power in 23 lakh homes in remaining power would reach by December 2018. Mr Das said that in far-flung 245 villages where transmission lines a are difficult to reach they would be provided power through solar energy and said that power will reach to all sections of the society without any discrimination. He said that there was no lack of power in the state the need was only to improve the basic infrastructure then only zero cut power would be provided to people.