Ranchi: Jharkhand Chief Minister reviewed the problems being faced in issue of online land receipt in the state during a meeting which was held at the project building here. In the meeting it was decided that Revenue and Land Reforms Minister Amar Kumar Bauri will
hold a meeting with all the ACs on December 28 and will take stock of all the problems being faced in online issuance of receipt
and will determine ways as to how the process can be made quicker.
It was also pointed that at some places due to problems of internet connectivity problems were being faced in issue of receipts over which the Chief Minister asked the cabinet minister and the secretary of the department concerned that all the DCs should be instructed to organize camps at the panchayat level in the presence of gram pradhan to issue the receipts. The state government has also provided tabs to the gram pradhan for this purpose.
It was pointed that due to flaws in the previous survey people in Latehar have to face the most of the problems over which Mr Das asked to conduct a mini-survey in the district so that the flaws can be corrected and people can be saved from trouble. Mr Das also directed that all the COs and the other staff should work sensitively on the matter so that the common people do not face any trouble. Those present in the meeting also included Principal Secretary to the Chief Minister Amar Kumar Bauri.