Hazaribagh: Union Minister of State for Civil Aviation and local MP Jayant Sinha said that after the Supreme Court dismissed all the PILS filed on the Rafael Deal it has become clear that the opposition was spreading lies over the issue in the country. Addressing
a press conference here Mr Sinha said that the sun of truth has now risen in the country and fake of the opposition has come to an
He said that people have come to understood how the opposition was creating trouble in the development process by using fake and false propaganda. He said that fake on Rafael deal has disrespected the army and the people for which the opposition should seek an apology. He said that there has been no such previous attempts to mislead the people in such a manner. He said that the Congress president for his own benefit and that of the party started a new type of politics by speaking lies but the verdict of the supreme court has ensured that at the end of the day truth prevails. He said that it was indeed unfortunate the president of the oldest party of the nation has used lies to mislead the people of the nation.
Mr Sinha said that using such types of lies for political benefits was harmful for the democracy of the nation. He said that only those people shout thief who are afraid of the Chowkidaar. He also detailed about the various programmes that are being run by the central government or the betterment of the people and said that in January 2019 train service between Hazaribagh and Patna would commence which would be highly beneficial for the common people while talks are on with Union Minister Piyush Goyal for operating train between Barkakana to Patna via Hazaribagh.
He also urged the para teachers to return back to their work as than only the government would be willing to listen to their demands.