Ranchi: Chief Minister Hemant Soren said that in the present era keeping one self-fit and healthy was one of the biggest challenges as when the people will be healthy then only the state and the country will be healthy.
Addressing the Fit India Run O Thon at the Birsa Munda Football Stadium he said that programmes like this help to bring new energy among the people and helps them to become aware of their health and fitness routine. He said that it was a matter of great pride that in the last five years similar events were being organized in the state.
He said that there are many aspects to event likes Run-O-Thon as it was not only confined to physical fitness but many other things are also related with it and it also helps in creating a better environment in the society and provides an opportunity to bring out the hidden talent through sports. Hr said that the event also gives a message to people to maintain their health and also brings positive thoughts among the people.
The Chief Minister said that there was no dearth of sporting talent in the state what was needed was to bring out these hidden talents and assured full cooperation of the state government in this regard. He said that events like these will help to bring a better result and Jharkhand can become the number one state in sports. He hoped that next time many new things will be added to the event and congratulated the organizers for the event.
He said that world-class infrastructure was present in the state for sports and the government will work to ensure that the athletes are able to make the best possible use of the facilities so that the players from the state can make a name for the state and the country.
More than 6000 participants from the country and abroad participated in the event. The winners were later felicitated by the Chief Minister with Prize money while all the participants who had completed the 21 kilometers and 10 kilometers run were given medals.
Those who also graced the occasion included Secretary Sports Rahul Sharma, Sports Director Anil Kumar Singh, IG Naveen Kumar Singh and others.