Chaibasa: The West Singhbhum police has decided to take the help of the common people to catch the hardcore ultras of the CPI Maoists as part of which it has put posters at two separate locations under the Chaibasa Police Station area along with the names and photos of these ultras and has asked the people to share information on the mobile numbers which have been shared on the posters.
Through the posters, police have urged the people that if they have any information regarding the ultras or IEDs they should inform them on the police numbers given in the posters. Police have assured the people that any information given by them will be held secret and rewards will be given to the people who would provide the information.
The posters consist of pictures of hardcore ultras having a reward of Rs 1 crore on their heads including Misir Besra Ramesh alias Anal Da Aakash and polit bureau member Pramod Mishra. The poster also consists of pictures of other Maoists including Veer Singh alias Chaman Da Sushil alias Anmol Budhram alias Ajay Mahto etc on whom there is an award of Rs 15-Rs 25 lakh.
Sixteen pictures of Maoists who have an award between Rs 10-Rs 15 lakh have been also displayed in the posters. The posters also consist of images of 11 female hardcore ultras including Bahamuni alias Rinki Rita, Anusha Sukri Joba alias Poonam Varsha alias Pushpa Babita Mala Nirmala and Salami.